Boiko Olha Vasylivna

Contact Details: +38 (0542) 68-78-54

Olga Vasylivna Boyko

Position: Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Technology

Academic Degree, Title:

Ph.D. in Technical Sciences

Contact Information:


+38 (0542) 68-78-54

Education and Career

September 2018-present – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Technology, Sumy State University.

November 2017 – Defended a doctoral dissertation on the topic “Models and Information Technology for Energy Planning of Buildings Using Alternative Energy Sources (Modeli ta informatsiina tekhnolohiia planuvannia enerhozabezpechennia budivel z vykorystanniam alternatyvnykh dzherel enerhii)” in the field of 05.13.06 “Information Technology” at Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy named after O.M. Beketov; received a candidate of technical sciences degree.

February 2017 – August 2018 – Assistant at the Department of Computer Science, Sumy State University.

September 2016 – February 2017 – Senior Specialist in the Web-Oriented Information Systems group at Sumy State University.

September 2014 – June 2015 – Graduate student at the University of Malmö, Sweden. November 2012 – August 2016 – Graduate student at Sumy State University.

2012 – Graduated from Sumy State University, obtained a full higher education degree in “Information Technology Design” and received a Master’s qualification in Information Technology Design.


Educational and Methodological Work

Main Academic Disciplines: Integrated Information Systems, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Digital Processing and Editing Technologies.

Educational and Methodological Works

Methodological Guidelines:

  1. Shendryk, V.V., Boyko, A.O., Shulima, O.V. (2016). Methodological guidelines for individual homework in the discipline ” Teoriia alhorytmiv ” for students of the Computer Science program (distance learning). Sumy: SumDU. 26 p. [Online]. Available at:
  1. Shendryk, V.V., Boyko, O.V., Shendryk, S.O. (2020). Methodological guidelines for laboratory works in the discipline” Intehrovani informatsiini systemy ” for students of the Computer Science program (distance learning). Sumy: SumDU. 31 p.
  2. Shendryk, V.V., Parfenenko, Yu.V., Boyko, O.V. (2019). Methodological guidelines for the course project in the discipline “Proektuvannia veb-oriientovanykh informatsiinykh system” for students of the Computer Science program (daytime and distance learning). Sumy: SumDU. 15 p. [Online]. Available at:


Research Work

Research Interests: Application of information technologies for achieving energy efficiency, fulfilling sustainable development goals, development of decision support systems in cloud-mobile environment, and intelligent data analysis.

Participation in Research Projects:

2023-present – Intelligent Information Technology for Proactive Management of Energy Infrastructure under Risks and Uncertainty.


2021-2022 – Intelligent Information-Analytical Technologies and Tools for Representation, Assessment, and Management of Country’s Energy Infrastructure (Project No: 0121U109558).


2021-2022 – Information Technology for Ensuring Resilience of Artificial Intelligence Systems for the Protection of Cyber-Physical Systems (Project No: 0122U000782).


2017-2020 – Ministry of Education and Science Young Scientists Project 2017-2020: “Intelligent Autonomous On-board System of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Object Identification on Terrain” (Project No: 0117U003934).


2014-2019 – Scientific and Methodological Foundations of Information Technology Development for Distributed Systems (Registration No: 0111U006119).


2011-2013 – Models and Information Technologies for Design and Management in Complex Systems (Registration No: 0115U001569).


Selected Scientific Works:

  1. Vira Shendryk, Yuliia Parfenenko, Olha Boiko, Sergii Shendryk, Yaroslava Bielka Aggregation of multidimensional data for the decision support process for the management of microgrids with renewable energy sources. Technology audit and production reserves. 2022. 2 (64). C. 16-20. DOI: 10.15587/2706-5448.2022.255957.
  2. Boiko O., Shendryk V., Parfenenko Yu., Pavlenko P., Kholiavka E. Development of expert assessment methods in planning energy supply of buildings with renewable energy sources. Technology Audit and Production Reserves. 2021. C. 51-54. DOI: 10.15587/2706-5448.2021.230230.
  3. Shendryk, Vira; Boiko, Olha; Parfenenko, Yuliia; Shendryk, Sergii; Tymchuk, Sergii Decision Making for Energy Management in Smart Grid. Research Anthology on Smart Grid and Microgrid Development: Hershey: IGI-Global, 2022. 1268 – 1301. (WoS)
  4. Boiko, A., Shendryk, V., & Boiko, O. (2019). Information systems for supply chain management: uncertainties, risks and cyber security. Procedia Computer Science, 149, 65-70.


Сertificates of Copyright Registration for Works/Inventions

  1. Certificate of Copyright Registration for the work “Data Visualization Subsystem of Decision Support Information System for Energy Infrastructure Management (Pidsystema vizualizatsii danykh informatsiinoi systemy pidtrymky pryiniattia rishen pry upravlinni enerhetychnoiu infrastrukturoiu)” No. 115135 Ukraine / Shendryk V., Parfenenko Yu., Boyko O., Pavlenko P., Kholiavka Ye., Shendryk S.; SumDU; applied on 2022-09-20; published on 2022-10-06.
  2. Certificate of Copyright Registration for the work “Expert Evaluation Subsystem of Weakly Structured Elements in Models of Processes in Energy Objects of Decision Support Information System for Energy Infrastructure Management (Pidsystema ekspertnoho otsiniuvannia slabostrukturovanykh elementiv modelei protsesiv v enerhetychnykh obiektakh informatsiinoi systemy pidtrymky pryiniattia rishen pry upravlinni enerhetychnoiu infrastrukturoiu)” No. 115065 Ukraine / Shendryk V., Parfenenko Yu., Boyko O., Pavlenko P., Shendryk S.; SumDU; applied on 2022-09-19; published on 2022-10-04.
  3. Certificate of Copyright Registration for the work “Operational Database of Decision Support Information System for Energy Infrastructure Management (Operatyvna baza danykh informatsiinoi systemy pidtrymky pryiniattia rishen pry upravlinni enerhetychnoiu infrastrukturoiu)” No. 115210 Ukraine / Shendryk V., Parfenenko Yu., Boyko O., Pavlenko P., Shendryk S., Kholiavka Ye.; SumDU; applied on 2022-09-26; published on 2022-10-12.
  4. Certificate of Copyright Registration for the work “Software Application for Forecasting Electricity Consumption by an Industrial Enterprise with Continuous Production Cycle” No. 115411 Ukraine / Shendryk V., Parfenenko Yu., Kholiavka Ye., Boyko O., Pavlenko P.; SumDU; applied on 2022-10-04; published on 2022-10-24.
  5. Certificate of Copyright Registration for the work “Software Application for Forecasting Electricity Consumption by an Industrial Enterprise with Continuous Production Cycle (Prohramnyi dodatok prohnozuvannia spozhyvannia elektrychnoi enerhii promyslovym pidpryiemstvom z bezperervnym tsyklom vyrobnytstva)” No. 115411 Ukraine / Shendryk V., Parfenenko Yu., Kholiavka Ye., Boyko O., Pavlenko P.; SumDU; applied on 2022-10-04; published on 2022-10-24.

Professional Development

2022 – Summer School at the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. Research focus: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Global Challenges, Local Action, Achieved Outcomes.


2021 – Qualification enhancement at Sumy State University, under the accumulation system, thematic direction: Information Technologies, Certificate SN № 05408289/3642-21, date: 13.12.2021, 6 ECTS credits.

2021 – Participant in the international Erasmus+ project “Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia” (OPTIMA, 618940-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).

2021 – International certificate PTE (Pearson Test of English), confirming English language proficiency at B2 level (PTE Exam Center 03.04.2021. No: 001000174).

2020 – Certificate of completion for the course “Mastering Digital Twins” on the Coursera platform.

2020 – Certificate of completion for the course “Service-Oriented Architecture” on the Coursera platform.

2020 – Certificate of completion for the course “Getting Started With Application Development” on the Coursera platform.

2020 – Certificate of completion for the course “Getting and Cleaning Data” on the Coursera platform.


Membership in Scientific Associations

Since 2018 – Membership in the edWeb community association, Member No: 1749123.

Since 2018 – Membership in the IAENG (International Association of Engineers) association, Member No: 215648.